Final Update 4/18: New audio + touch ups

Big thanks to Mason for giving me a better audio recording!

So I’ve pretty much updated everything to what the final is really likely to look like:

Here’s some screencaps because again I don’t think the YouTube quality is on par with the actual video quality

I edited the animation to try to make his movements look more deliberate. I also fixed the lighting to be brighter so he can stand out more, as well as added a change in lighting segment for drama. I edited the brow shape which kind of created some weird protrusions so I’ll probably change that later. I changed the settings to a higher quality so the overall quality as well as the light affecting the hair should be improved.

I have the bottom hair laying more realistically than before, though it still moves too stiff. I’m a little hesitant editing that part at this point because if I were to make it more fluid I’m a bit afraid of getting the flickering that the main hair still has at the end. I edited down a lot of the flickering in comp, but it’s still there which sucks. edit: yay i think i edited down the flicker decently enough. there’s still some flicker-y areas but i’ll edit those parts on my last update. I guess I’ll likely still mess with the bottom hair if I don’t have much else to tweak on.

I’m also wondering if I should make his head move at the ending line. For one, I feel like some head movement might actually solve the flickering because I feel like the hair doesn’t flicker when he’s moving (I….have no idea how this system works yo). However, I did kind of intentionally leave it still because it’s supposed to indicate his acceptance of his “dead state”, and he’s supposed to be generally more nervous/stiff at that point.

I also added some effects in the background to fit the mood I’m going for.

Final Update 4/18: New audio + touch ups

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