Final Update 4/11: First complete animation + lighting pass

I have down my first set for basically everything (aside from my background)

So right now I’m planning on having this as the final render settings because it takes a decent amount of time to render with a quality that is okay to me. I can bump up the quality more if needed though.
edit: The quality is better in my video file than this youtube video…here’s a frame of the video quality

blankThere’s some expressions that I’m not quite sure I want to go with, but an overall okay animation is done so far. I think I’ll be keeping the lighting as it is unless it needs to be changed.

I’ve lowered down the amount of flickering that happens in the hair, but it still does a significant amount at the end. The only solution I’ve read to fix this is to increase the hair count, or have it in motion which I have for the majority of the piece. I don’t want to increase the hair in the front, but I probably do want to dos so for the bottom hair + back hair though; I want to see if I can reassign it to a different hair system because for the top hair, I do want it to maintain the shape for the top hair, but it’s awkward for the bottom hair where it’s kind of floating and has obviously less strands. I hope I won’t screw up in the process…
edit: just edited the hair (tiny image is tiny). will add more volume but is more or less the idea

I’m okay with the textures I have so far, but I can always change with critique. So basically what I’ll be doing next week is tweaking everything, hopefully change at least one hair issue, and working on the final background. The final background will be pretty similar in terms of color scheme (especially with the clouds), but it will have more of an open space of French buildings and crowds more far away. I kind of want to do a small 2D fire/crowd animation so I’ll try to test that out as well. edit: orrr actually if I can kind of just keep the current background I have it and tweak it a little I would be okay with doing that too

Final Update 4/11: First complete animation + lighting pass

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